Hello, I'm an Access/SQL novice and I have an sql problem: I have the following table Price: FuelID PriceDate Price LPG 1/05/2007 0,2 LPG 13/05/2007 0,21 SPS 2/05/2007 1,1 SPS 15/05/2007 1,08 And I have to make the following query: FuelID PriceDate_from PriceDate_To Price LPG 1/05/2007 13/05/2007 0,2 SPS 2/05/2007 15/05/2007 1,1 LPG 13/05/2007 0,21 SPS 15/05/2007 1,08 I tried this: SELECT FuelID, min(FuelDate) AS Pricedate_from, max(FuelDate) AS PriceDate_to FROM Price GROUP BY FuelID; Problem is, when I put Price in the select, I get the error 'Price not part of an aggregate function' :s Eitherway, it doesnt work, I only have one FuelDate_from and one FuelDate_to if I use min & max. While there should be several from...to... dates for a particular fuel. How can I solve this ?