The problem is that the getline/readline interface, which does exist for
Ruby, doesn't seem to work so well, and anyway operates line by line; I
would have preferred to just hand a file descriptor and be done with it.
Thanks for your suggestions too, Erik and Ted. Performance-wise the best
solution may be a network mount as you suggest Erik.
Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 10:32:32AM -0400, Jaime Silvela wrote:
I've been looking around for this functionality:
Is it possible to use COPY with a file that doesn't reside in the DB's
filesystem? I know there is sort of a solution in using COPY from stdin/
COPY to stdout, however that depends on calling the psql command, which
breaks the flow of control of the programs I'm trying to write.
Sorry? Copy to stdout/from stdin can be done by normal programs also,
not just psql. Execute the command and then use putline/getline to
transfer the data. In perl DBI is works like that, for C also, so
probably from ruby also.
Have a nice day,
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