EBIHARA, Yuichiro wrote on 22.06.2007 09:28:
Hmm. At least for updating LOBs, "my method" should be
"legal". This is a quote from jdbc-3_0-fr-spec.pdf
"The setBinaryStream and setObject methods may also be used
to set a Blob object as a parameter in a PreparedStatement
object. The setAsciiStream, setCharacterStream, and setObject
methods are alternate means of setting a Clob object as a parameter."
Sorry, my comment was partially incorrect.
See B-182(TABLE B-6) of the spec.
getBinaryStream()/getCharacterStream are not compatible to LOB.
Thanks for the pointer ;)
According to that table, the PG driver is actually correct, as bytea is reported
as Types.BINARY not Types.BLOB
Also, there were some limitations with Oracle JDBC "Thin" driver 9.2 and those methods didn't work
with LOB.
Yes I found that as well. Only the 10.x driver work correctly