Scott Marlowe wrote:
Csaba Nagy wrote:
On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 16:45, Scott Marlowe wrote:
Another option is to use your favorite scripting language and throw
an excel header then the data in tab delimited format. Or even in
excel xml format.
Why would you need any scripting language ? COPY supports CSV output
pretty well, it can even put you a header on the top.
Because I'm delivering reports to dozens of people who have windows, no
psql client, and just want to go to a web page, click a button, and get
their report (or was that a banana?)
If you make psql with the \H option output html, excel will open it
I guess I could give them an account on the reporting server and a copy
of pgadmin or something, but most of them are happier with a web page
and a set of buttons.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
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