On 6/17/07, Raymond O'Donnell <rod@xxxxxx> wrote:
Having said that, the main gripes I would have with PHP are (i) variables aren't strongly typed, which can bite you unless you're careful, and (ii) you don't have to declare variables before using them, which can also cause trouble - in VBScript you have "option expicit" which forces you to declare your variables; I'd like to see something similar in PHP.
PHP offers this functionality already. error_reporting(E_ALL); // This will throw E_NOTICE and E_WARNING too E_NOTICE is what will flag when variables are not explicitly declared. As for strong typing, I see that as a benefit, but that's a whole different can of worms. How much value you derive from a language depends on how you use it. After playing for years with Perl, and now with Python and Ruby, I think PHP is still where it's at. I am not overly into OOP, I like to use what works best. Our code is very, very cleanly structured in fast procedural functions, and where possible, no functions at all (because instantiating a function still takes some processing power) and we follow something like an MVC model. And we wouldn't touch PEAR with a borrowed pole, although we do pick out some classes once in a while.
Apologies if this is off-topic for this list, but I'm curious as to why others reckon that PHP sucks.....
It doesn't. However, many average joes who find PHP accessible and therefore usable, do suck rocks. EP