On Jun 5, 2007, at 8:11 , Ranieri Mazili wrote:
CREATE RULE rule_role_sul AS ON SELECT TO t1 WHERE roles = 'role_sul' DO INSTEAD SELECT field1, field2 FROM t2; CREATE RULE rule_role_sul AS ON SELECT TO t1 WHERE roles = 'role_norte' DO INSTEAD SELECT field3, field4 FROM t2;
I don't believe you can include a WHERE clause like this. From the documentation[1]:
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/interactive/rules-views.html#RULES- SELECT
Currently, there can be only one action in an ON SELECT rule, and it must be an unconditional SELECT action that is INSTEAD. This restriction was required to make rules safe enough to open them for ordinary users, and it restricts ON SELECT rules to act like views.
You can use views instead (which are implemented using the rule system), but I'm not sure how you would handle it in this case. I believe you'd have to implement two views:
CREATE VIEW rule_role_sul AS SELECT field1, field2 FROM t2 WHERE roles = 'role_sul'; CREATE VIEW rule_role_norte AS SELECT field3, field4 FROM t2 WHERE roles = 'role_norte'; Hope this helps. Michael Glaesemann grzm seespotcode net