On 6/3/07, Ian Harding <harding.ian@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Rails propaganda explicitly proposes not "repeating yourself" and
The creator of RoR explicitly discourages use of RI, rules, triggers, etc in the database as unnecessary. His disciples take this as gospel.
The creator of Rails is not the only developer working on Rails. There are Rails developers who disagree with him on these issues, and "his disciples" does not equate "the community". On the other hand, I admit that this mindset has a negative impact on the development of Rails as a whole. I consider myself a moderate pragmatist, and I think both sides are slightly wrong; the database side not pragmatic enough, and the Rails side pragmatic at the cost of moving too much database logic into the app. For example, part of the point of having validations declared on the model is so that you can raise user-friendly errors (and pipe them through gettext for localization) such as "Your password must be at least 4 characters long and contain only letters and digits". Databases don't support this, and so applications end up having to duplicate data-validation logic in order to find out what kind of user input is invalid. There might be hoops you could jump through to reduce the duplication. You could, perhaps, introspect the schema and see that the password column has a "check" constraint with a certain expression (eg., "password ~ '^\w+$'). On insertion failure, you use the expression string to generate a select -- eg., "select password ~ '^\w+$' from (select 'foobar'::text as password) as t" -- on every column you have to see what failed. I don't think PostgreSQL had full support for ANSI SQLSTATE column context information yet, but even if it had, I think you would not get information about *all* failing columns, only the first one (anyone know?), so you would still needt run the values through the database with a select. At this point you don't have an error message, but you could store these in a separate table (table_name, column_name, message) or perhaps (table_name, constraint_name, message) and look them up on failure. Another option might be to use triggers that call "raise" -- which may be acceptable for "check" constraints, but breaks the idiom for the others type of constraints; at best you will be repeating yourself. Another idea: I believe SQLSTATE (as implemented by PostgreSQL) currently lacks context information about which columns failed a constraint, but you had this, you could correlate None of this is terribly idiomatic, and involves a bunch of glue between application and database which needs to incorporated into a database layer. This may be a case for letting constraints have an optional description; this way the schema would also be self-documenting, eg.: create table foo ( id serial, name text check (name ~ '^(\w|\s)+$') or raise error 'Name must contain letters, digits and spaces only' ); This still isn't enough for the app side -- if multiple columns fail to validate, the app needs to know about them all, not just the first one: # create table persons (name text check (name != '') not null unique, age int check (age > 0)); # insert into persons (name, age) values ('', 0); ERROR: new row for relation "persons" violates check constraint "test_name_check1"
I have used rails for a couple projects and I repeated myself religiously in database constraints. This revealed a couple disturbing properties of rails that made me not want to use it, notably, assuming an empty input box equates to an empty string vice null for text data types, even if the table is defined as accepting nulls.
An empty string is not null! Null means the value is missing, which is clearly not the case here. I would say Rails is exactly in the right here. When an HTML form is posted, empty input boxes are declared as empty strings, which what the user entered. The problem is not with Rails/ActiveRecord but with your form handling. If you want empty boxes to become null, add some client-side JavaScript logic that sets the "disabled" attribute on empty input elements before form is submitted; this will prevent the client from sending the value. Alexander.