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Re: CHECK() Constraint on Column Using Lookup Table

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On May 1, 2007, at 12:41 , Rich Shepard wrote:

I've seen the syntax for using a lookup table in a CHECK() constraint, but I cannot find a reference to it. It's not in Section 5.3.1 of the 8.2 docs.
I'm not sure I follow. Generally if one has a column the value of  
which belongs to a limited set, one uses a lookup table (via a  
foreign key) *or* a check constraint, but not both, as it'd be  
For example, using a lookup table:

	state_code TEXT PRIMARY KEY

CREATE TABLE addresses
	address TEXT NOT NULL
	, state_code TEXT NOT NULL
		REFERENCES states (state_code)
	, PRIMARY KEY (address, state_code)

or, using a CHECK constraint:

CREATE TABLE addresses
	address TEXT NOT NULL
	, state_code TEXT NOT NULL
		CHECK (value in ('state_1', 'state_2', ...))

In this case, I would definitely use a lookup table rather than a CHECK constraint as it's much easier to maintain.
I feel I probably didn't answer your question, but this is what I  
understood from your description. I guess you might be referring to  
using a subquery or lookup function in the check constraint to make  
sure the values of state_code are valid values (in the states table),  
but that's what a foreign key is doing anyway, and much more  
efficiently. Further, subqueries in check constraints aren't  
supported in PostgreSQL. You can fake it by wrapping the subquery in  
a function, but again, you're just manually doing what foreign keys  
are designed to do for you automatically.
Hope this helps.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

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