On Tuesday 01 May 2007 14:41:38 Richard Huxton wrote: > Alexander Kuprijanov wrote: > > I do: > > ============== > > pg_dump -d BaseA --port=54321 --host=localhost --table=TableA --data-only > > -F c -v | pg_restore -d > > BaseB --data-only --no-owner --table=TableA --single-transaction -v > > ============== > > > > But <BaseB.TableA> wasn't updated.... why?? > > I'm not sure you can pipe the custom format between pg_dump and > pg_restore (it's got compressed sections). Either: > 1. Use a temporary file > 2. pipe the standard format to psql 1. with temporary file... ok I've made the file (it likes good as I can see from size) ==================================== % pg_dump -d BaseA --port=54321 --host=localhost --table=TableA --data-only -v -F c -f ./idstation.backup ==================================== but pg_restore dont want make its work... ==================================== % pg_restore --dbname=BaseB --no-owner --table=TableA -v ./idstation.backup pg_restore: connecting to database for restore pg_restore: implied data-only restore ==================================== also games with options --single-transactions, --clear, --data-only dont help me - as result - <BaseB.TableA> has old data... 2. pipe to psql... I've made the file by pg_dump... ==================================== -- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Started on 2007-05-01 17:55:41 VOLST SET client_encoding = 'WIN1251'; SET standard_conforming_strings = off; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET escape_string_warning = off; SET search_path = awp_books, pg_catalog; -- -- TOC entry 2969 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 2293 -- Name: idstation_idstation_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: awp_books; Owner: pgsql -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('idstation_idstation_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 2966 (class 0 OID 17400628) -- Dependencies: 2294 -- Data for Name: idstation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: awp_books; Owner: pgsql -- INSERT INTO idstation VALUES (...); <...insert, insert, insert...> -- Completed on 2007-05-01 17:56:19 VOLST -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete -- ==================================== I do % cat ./idstation.backup | psql -d BaseB and get errors about primary key unique constraint violation... I cant delete records from <BaseA.TableA> because this table have references from another tables... Im sure, that it is not a bug in pg_restore, but in my head... please help me debug it -- Kiu glutis tro multe, tiu agas tro stulte