I'm working with 7.4, but the 8.2 docs[1] have the same apparent error: ROW SHARE Conflicts with the EXCLUSIVE and ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock modes. The SELECT FOR UPDATE and SELECT FOR SHARE commands acquire a lock of this mode on the target table(s) (in addition to ACCESS SHARE locks on any other tables that are referenced but not selected FOR UPDATE/FOR SHARE). If that conflict list were correct, then ROW SHARE wouldn't conflict with itself, much less with ROW EXCLUSIVE (required to prevent INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE); commonsense dictates that it should conflict with both, and experiment demonstrates that it actually does so. My actual problem (what I'm trying to solve) is deadlock prevention and that, even in READ ONLY transactions, "SELECT FOR UPDATE" (generated by an underlying O/R mapper, beyond my effective control) is actually granted locks (and therefore READ ONLY transactions are contributing to deadlocks!), at least until or unless an attempt is made by the read only transaction to perform an actual UPDATE, at which time all locks are lost, presumably because the transaction is now dead. In order to make progress on deadlock prevention I need accurate information about lock contention rules, which brings me to the apparent documentation error above. Can anyone either draw my attention to an error in my reasoning or provide correct information about which lock types conflict with which? Thanks. - Raz 1: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/explicit-locking.html#LOCKING-TABLES