Jonathan Vanasco <postgres@xxxxxxxx> writes: > i believe i found a bug > psql> create table test_failure ( id integer primary key ); > psql> alter table test_failure alter id rename to id_new ; # not > relevant, just illustrating the reason how i got to step 2 > psql> alter table test_failure_pkey rename to test_failure_id_new_pkey; > $ pg_dump --schema-only -ttest_failure -Utest > test.sql > the pkey in the schema is added as 'test_failure_pkey' , not > 'test_failure_id_new_pkey'; You didn't rename the constraint. If we were going to do anything about this, it'd be to forbid directly renaming indexes that're owned by constraints. However, since we don't currently have a RENAME CONSTRAINT command, the effect of that would be that you couldn't do it at all ... In the meantime you can probably do an UPDATE on pg_constraint if you really care. regards, tom lane