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Re: COPY FROM - how to identify results?

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I can't use triggers because I need a specific "my_id".
Here's the scenario: a user is browsing the web page for portfolio_id = 3, and wants to update the values. He uploads a CSV file, and I need its entries to be tagged with portfolio_id = 3, as another user could be uploading a CSV file for portfolio_id = 9.
As suggested by John Burger, I think the cleanest way to deal with this 
is to have the CSV file COPY'd to a TEMP table, local to the user's 
session, and from there inserted with INSERT INTO portfolio(field-1, ..  
field-n, portfolio_id)   SELECT field-1, .. field-n, 3 FROM ....;
Thank you,

Klint Gore wrote:
On Tue, 03 Apr 2007 12:45:54 -0400, Jaime Silvela <JSilvela@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'd like to be able to do something like
COPY mytable (field-1, ..  field-n, id = my_id) FROM file;
How do you get my_id?  Can you get it in a trigger?  Triggers still fire
with copy so if you can get a trigger to fill in the id column you can
copy with just the field names.


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