Shoaib Mir
EnterpriseDB (www.enterprisedb.com)
On 4/2/07, Erick Papadakis <
erick.papa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am working on Windows and Unix with Postgresql (newbie, so please be
kind). I use phppgadmin on both platforms. Windows is my local
machine. Linux (CentOS as usual) is the cpanel thing that my hosting
provider offers.
Basically this setup works well and I am learning the ropes. But the
problem is with exporting data and structure. Phppgadmin does not
allow exporting to SQL of the database on Windows platform. I see this
<br />
<b>Notice</b>: Undefined offset: 1 in
<b>D:\Code\phppg\dbexport.php</b> on line <b>75</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>: Undefined offset: 1 in
<b>D:\Code\phppg\dbexport.php</b> on line <b>78</b><br />
Dumping of complex table and schema names on Windows is not supported.
--------------END QUOTE--------------------
Failing this, what else can I do? How can I simply take all my data
and structure from here and put it up?
I also want this method to be fast because I have a table with about
2.5 million rows (I know it is nothing compared to other discussions
that people post here, but it is a lot for my machine).
Many thanks!
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings