Correction: my sever is running 8.1.3
Jaime Silvela wrote:
Just bringing back to life a message I sent last July.
The problem I was having was that when importing very large data sets,
COPY seemed to drop some data. I built a script to use INSERTs, and
same problem. My server runs 8.1.3 on Linux. Several people
investigated, Reece Hart was unable to reproduce the problem using my
same data file, and Tom Lane suggested a buggy client installation
dropping info, or hardware problems in the server.
I've come back to this problem recently, and have found a couple of
interesting things.
I'm using a 418MB data file. wc -l gives me 6,802,367 lines
On the server (Linux running Postgres 2.1.3). 4GB RAM, and the disk
Postgres lives in is a network drive.
After copying the data file to the server and running psql locally.
- Import try 1: count(*) gives 6,801,664
- Import try 2: count(*) gives 6,802,241
- Every import gave a different count
The log file doesn't say anything other than
LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (27 seconds apart), but
that's should not be a problem, right?
I also tried it in my local-disk Windows installation, which runs
Postgres 8.1.0
- Import try 1: count(*) gives 6,824,366
- All imports since then give, correctly, count(*) = 6,802,367
This time, I FTP'd the file to my mac laptop, which is running 8.2.3.
The import gave me the correct count every time.
Remembering the suggestion of hardware problems, I made an empty
install of 8.2.3 on my server. On it, the data file was fully imported
every single time.
I decided to copy all my data to 8.2.3 to test dependency of the bug
on a) size of the database (30GB of data) or b) some problem with data
or some stored procedure. I've tried the import, and again, it's
correct every single time.
During the import of the database data to 8.2.3, I got mostly a clean
set, except for the 3 error messages listed below which suggest a
buggy kernel.
A bunch of questions:
1) Has anybody seen this type of behavior in 8.1.*, is there a known
bug that might explain the problems in both the Linux server and the
Windows box?
2) Those errors on the database import are troubling, but the affected
only 3 tables. Wouldn't a buggy kernel give more trouble? Is it
possible that this was a bug in 8.1.3's pg_dump? Also, since the
database is so big, the output of pg_dump is split'd and bzip2'd, so
there's room for error there too.
3) On Friday I'm going to upgrade the production database from 8.1.3
to 8.2.3. Any caveats or words of advice?
Thank you,
ERROR: unexpected data beyond EOF in block 23662 of relation "portfolio"
HINT: This has been seen to occur with buggy kernels; consider
updating your system.
CONTEXT: COPY portfolio, line 3426949: "210395 1974263 1 723"
STATEMENT: COPY portfolio (deal_id, security_id, amount,
portfolio_version) FROM stdin;
ERROR: unexpected data beyond EOF in block 4028 of relation
HINT: This has been seen to occur with buggy kernels; consider
updating your system.
CONTEXT: COPY coverage_test_val, line 338035: "340676 588
2006-08-25 STEPUP_TRIGGER2 6 0.0 0.0 \
STATEMENT: COPY coverage_test_val (coverage_test_val_id, deal_id,
observation_date, coverage_test_name, coverage_test\
_priority, coverage_test_value, coverage_test_trigger,
coverage_test_type_id) FROM stdin;
ERROR: unexpected data beyond EOF in block 4049 of relation
HINT: This has been seen to occur with buggy kernels; consider
updating your system.
CONTEXT: COPY deal_current_val, line 511050: "612884 7008
2005-09-21 23 1.957871"
STATEMENT: COPY deal_current_val (deal_current_val_id, deal_id,
observation_date, type_id, deal_current_val) FROM std\
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