Unfortunately the suggestion by Geogre did not work, but i solved it like so:
SELECT film_name FROM filminfo
WHERE '1973' = ANY (STRING_TO_ARRAY((xpath_list(description, 'year')),','))
On 22/03/07, George Weaver <gweaver@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Original Message From Andy Dale
>testdb=# SELECT film_name, xpath_list(description, 'year') FROM filminfo;
>film_name | xpath_list
>--------------- +------------
>Casablanca | 1942
>Rear Window | 1954
>The Godfather | 1972
>Test film | 1973,1972
>It would seem reasonable in this example that the 1973,1972 gained from
>xpath_list could be reused in a WHERE clause like so
>SELECT film_name WHERE '1973' IN (xpath_list(description, 'year'));
How about SELECT film_name WHERE (ARRAY['1973'] <@
STRING_TO_ARRAY((xpath_list(description, 'year')), ',' ); ?
(not tested...)
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster