You might be able to get enough information looking at the raw
frontend/backend protocol exchange (
8.2/static/protocol.html) using something like tcpflow or Ethereal.
On Mar 20, 2007, at 5:45 PM, Anton Melser wrote:
I am having real trouble with a project that is a little out of my
league and I just can't find out how to find which table the app is
getting its values from (it's a long story...). I know what values I
am looking for, and would like to log everything (even if only for one
call of a web page...) that comes in and everything that goes out. Is
this possible at the db level? Even debug5 doesn't seem to give me the
result of a query... If it is only possible at the driver level (I did
something vaguely similar with the odbc driver I think), then any
pointers for a jdbc2 on 8.1.4?
John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL