Alvaro Herrera wrote:
What's wrong with that? 8.2 will understand the GRANT ON SEQUENCE
without a problem.
Yes, but 8.1 and earlier wont!
If you dump a 8.1 database (with 8.2 pg_dump) and then use that dump to
restore to another 8.1 server, any permissions on sequences will fail
to restore because the 8.2 pg_dump can't handle NOT using GRANT ON
SEQUENCE on the lower version of the server.
Would it really be that big of a deal to add some logic to 8.2 pg_dump
to say: Hey I am not dumping a 8.2 server, so don't use GRANT ON SEQUENCE?
most Admin tools ship with the latest version of pg_dump and restore, so
If I attempt to restore that dump via pgAdmin III (or other tools) which
is using 8.2 versions of dump and restore it will fail on a 8.1 server.
Do you see the point I am trying to make? Should admin tool vendors
start shipping every version of pg_dump now?
In a earlier message about this same thing Bruce said (I am quoting from
memory so it's not exact) that we don't try and make pg_dump backwards
compatible and to use the dump that came with whatever version you are
dumping from" So to me that seemed opposite of what Tom said.
If I misquoted anyone I apologize in advance.
Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration