I copied the files over, restarted, and everything's fine.
Tom Lane wrote:
Jaime Silvela <JSilvela@xxxxxxxx> writes:
I looked for those timezone files, and they're missing on my production
installation. Probably the upgrade from 7.* to 8.1 was a quick&dirty one.
I don't even have a 'timezone' folder in the share directory.
Oh, that's your problem then --- 'EST5EDT' is being taken as a Posix
spec for lack of any matching file.
Would it
be dangerous to add one until I can upgrade the production installation?
Should work to just copy over the timezone directory tree from a correct
installation on the same machine architecture (I can't recall right now
if the file format is machine-dependent or not). You might have to
restart the postmaster too, before it starts behaving entirely sanely.
regards, tom lane
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