Bradley Kieser wrote:
I hope that someone has cracked this one because I have run into a brick
wall the entire week and after 3 all-nighters with bad installations, I
would appreciate hearing from others!
I am looking for a decent OpenSource CRM system that will run with
Postgres. SugarCRM seems to be the most popular but it's MySQL-centric
and its opensource parts are very restricted.
So if anyone has actually cracked this, please let me know! I really
need a good CRM.
It has to be OpenSource, not just out of principle, but we need to
integrate it into an existing business with established inhouse software
so we need to be able to customise the code.
A coworker of mine (Ryley Breiddal) did some coding and testing for the
SugarCRM PostgreSQL port, in conjunction with Jason Felice. We have been
running it for a few months with no major problems.