Hello, Bradley Kieser wrote:
I hope that someone has cracked this one because I have run into a brick wall the entire week and after 3 all-nighters with bad installations, I would appreciate hearing from others!
Compiere doesn't support PG.
You could checkout Adempiere wich is a fork of Compiere: <http://www.adempiere.com/> They claim to support PG and they are actively improving on that: <http://www.adempiere.com/wiki/index.php/Release_315> Download location: <http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=176962&package_id=207834>
I have tried numerous other CRMs but all the same - either don't run on PG, claim to but in reality don't or are simply pre-Alpha and not ready for production use.
On the surface Adempiere seems to meet your requirements but I never used it so I can't tell if its another dead end.
-- Luis Neves