But I need to add fields to a defined and filled record, I don't know
if I can do it, and how can I do it.
If I have:
v_record record;
EXECUTE 'select * from table'
INTO v_record;
supposing (after query) that v_record contains just one row with 5
fields, I need to add the 6th, 7th, 8th fields, etc, etc.
Do you understand ?
On Mar 2, 2007, at 12:48 AM, Postgres User wrote:
If you need to return a record to another function or client program,
you can always use this sytnax:
SELECT var_a::integer, var_b::integer, var_c::integer... etc
where var_a, var_b, etc and local variables that hold your
calculated values.
You dont need to create a local record structure- select will do that
for you. The '::integer' will ensure that the values are typecast as
On 3/1/07, eddy sanchez <eddysan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
WEBMAIL Server: UDABOLnet, Universidad de Aquino Bolivia
Thank you for you help
The item is a field, I need to return a record with double
precision or integer
I need a function that can calculate some fields (integer numbers)
that should
be added to a record inside a loop, and the result, must seems
like this:
{234.00, 56434.78, 5556.89,....}
Always, I call those functions with:
select * from func_with_record() as (field1 integer, field2
integer, field3
Do you undestand?
Thanks a lot for your interesting.
What is the new item? Is it a field?
On 3/1/07, eddy sanchez <eddysan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
WEBMAIL Server: UDABOLnet, Universidad de Aquino Bolivia
Can anyone help me???
I work with plpgsql and I need to add items to a record variable,
with a for
statement, something like this:
v_rec record;
for nn in (some_xpresion) loop
v_rec = vrec + [new_item]; <--Here I need to add an item to record
variable with
each loop
end loop lp;
return v_rec;
The result should be like {it1,it2,it3,i4,....}
Please can you help me?
Thanks a lot
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