MargaretGillon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2007 10:06:44 +0900
> From: Paul Lambert <paul.lambert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Joshua D. Drake" <jd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: PG periodic Error on W2K
> Message-ID: <45E62724.6000200@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I propound to all my sincerest of apologies for installing what I
> believe to be a marvel of human creation in Postgres on what most
> believe to be the ultimate travesty of what some claim to be an
> operating system in Macrohard Webloze.
>> [text excluded here]
> I would be delighted to offer my assurance that such a farce would never
> again take place, but I have about forty such installations to do when
> my development is complete :(
> Paul Lambert
Hi Paul,
Have you thought of running the Postgresql on a Linux box and then
developing your application to use the Postgresql server via ODBC?
I am in a Windows environment on a Windows / Novell network. We still
use Novell for log-on and security management. I develop in Visual
FoxPro because the IT head wants to keep us on Windows clients but he
agreed to let me try developing with a Linux server. I have been working
with Postgresql on a Redhat 9 server for a couple years now and it is
much more stable (and more secure) than our SQLServer databases on a
Windows 2000 server.
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Margaret Gillon, IS Dept., Chromalloy Los Angeles, ext. 297
I've put thought of running it on Linux... a lot of thought... but I
haven't for 2 reasons.
1.) I've had very limited exposure to Linux, most of my work is done in
an OpenVMS environment with some in Weendoze, I wouldn't feel
comfortable configuring a Linux environment let alone configuring it
2.) All of our customers run Weenblows servers and also don't have the
expertise to maintain a linux server, it's a lot easier for us to sell
our product to them if we can just install it on their existing server
and have them not worry about upgrading or adding anything to their
server room.
Can I put in another plug for an OpenVMS port? Or would I have to do the
work myself? ;)
Paul Lambert
Database Administrator