On 3/1/07, George Nychis <gnychis@xxxxxxx> wrote:
See the EXECUTE function in the pl/pgSQL language in the docs for dynamic queries.
A. Kretschmer wrote:
> You can use the current_user - variable. Select current_user;
I'm trying to create a function in which users can only kill their own processes, it works
perfectly if i hardcode a username in such as this:
CREATE FUNCTION kill_process(integer) RETURNS boolean
AS 'select pg_cancel_backend(procpid)
FROM (SELECT procpid FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE procpid=$1 and usename=''gnychis'')
AS kill;'
See the EXECUTE function in the pl/pgSQL language in the docs for dynamic queries.
But if i try to replace usename=''gnychis'' with usename=current_user it no longer works.
Any ideas?
- George
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