Hi, I'm unable to find how to construct a query like the one mentioned in the Subject. The Access query looks like this: TRANSFORM Last(Attendance.period) AS LastPeriod SELECT table1.sp, table2.tag FROM (table2 RIGHT JOIN table1 ON table2.id = table1.id) LEFT JOIN table3 ON table1.id = table3.id GROUP BY table1.sp, table1.tag ORDER BY Format([Date],"Medium Date") PIVOT Format([Date],"Medium Date"); An older thread on Usenet indicated a long time ago, that these type of queries are not supported in PostgreSQL. I've also not found a PostgreSQL equivalent to function First() used in Access SQL to extract the first value for data in grouped queries, such as the one above. I'd appreciate some suggestions on how these two things can be achieved in PostgreSQL. Cheers, -- Seb