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Re: open source - content management system - that uses PostGreSQL

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On Feb 16, 2007, at 4:13 PM, Andrew Kirkness wrote:

I am currently setting up a website and have PostGreSQL database I'm using for the backend. I'm researching an open source Content Management System that uses PostGreSQL. Do you have any recommendations? 

You need to define what you want your CMS to do, before you get good recommendations.

We've investigated a bunch of systems for publishing a magazine-type site,  and have discovered that pretty much all of them like to work with mysql :-(

I think this is because many of the designers of the free, lower-end, software don't truly appreciate the relational SQL model and treat the DB as a dumb store.  Once you move higher-up in the chain, you start to see better data models, and they lean toward using Pg instead...

I can't figure out what you want to do with customer data  and the CMS.   Without knowing that, nobody can really say anything meaningful to you.  Are your customers providing the content?

Despite this lack of clarity, I can recommend that you first define the features you want and then evaluate the systems based on those features being available.  Then all else being equal, use the preferred DB as your tie breaker.  I wouldn't rule out some good software just because it uses mysql on the back-end.

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