Select ID, plan_name from table/view...
Where plan_name = 'A'
And rownum = 1
Ad infinitum for about 100 iterations.
Any way to write this more efficiently?
I assume that "table/view" in your OP really refers to different tables or views; otherwise, this is a trivial query that can be collapsed to "select ... where plan_name in ('A','B','C') ..." or, perhaps just "select ... where rownum=1".
As Tom said, UNION ALL may be more appropriate for your needs. See
You should consider inherited tables and table partitioning. See
Partitioning offers two administrative benefits: consistency of child tables and an implied UNION ALL of children when one selects on the parent.
-- Reece Hart,, GPG:0x25EC91A0 ./universe -G 6.672e-11 -e 1.602e-19 -protonmass 1.673e-27 -uspres bush kernel warning: universe consuming too many resources. Killing. universe killed due to catastrophic leadership. Try -uspres carter. |