I am having a problem running the 'tr' command: This is what I expected (tested in development environment) Version: HP-UX sdmw728a B.11.00 U 9000/800 sdmw728a:clmdev: /apdev/clmdev/cl_be/4300/bin> x=PMRR sdmw728a:clmdev: /apdev/clmdev/cl_be/4300/bin> echo $x | tr [A-Z] [a-z] pmrr sdmw728a:clmdev: /apdev/clmdev/cl_be/4300/bin> y=BACARDI sdmw728a:clmdev: /apdev/clmdev/cl_be/4300/bin> echo $y | tr [A-Z] [a-z] bacardi And this is what I am getting in production environment Version: HP-UX spfe631a B.11.11 U 9000/800 [spfe631a]/home1/d/dev_tech $ x=PMRR [spfe631a]/home1/d/dev_tech $ echo $x | tr [A-Z] [a-z] PMRR [spfe631a]/home1/d/dev_tech $ y=BACARDI [spfe631a]/home1/d/dev_tech $ echo $y | tr [A-Z] [a-z] BxCxRDI Why the same command behave differently on the same version of HP-UX. Sush Distributed Systems - CLMS Development Phone: 302-457-5082