HT NB wrote:
How are you doing?
First, I am testing if this email address is valid. It is the first time that I
am using this account. I have a question about how to start write embedded SQL
in C programming code. What are the basic requirements in the .pgc file to have
the embedded SQL running.
This is my coding which is aimed at testing if embedded SQL in C programming
code is possible for my operating system Debian GNU/Linux.
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( )
EXEC SQL CONNECT TO database@sql.{ip address}.com <mailto:database@sql.{ip
address}.com> :80;
try -
EXEC SQL CONNECT TO database@{ip address}:5432 USER mylogin;
The one thing from your code I would question is your specifying port
80. That is the port for a web server not postgresql. Can you access the
postgresql server directly or are you trying to get to it through a web
server? If you are going through the web server then embedded sql won't
work, you will need to deal with http requests and responses.
EXEC SQL INSERT INTO database (tab_number) VALUES (4);
return 1;
Shane Ambler
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