Hi Friends, This is my first post in the list. I am not obtaining authentication my users of PostgreSQL in OpenLdap. 1) PostgreSQL was compiled with the support to ldap in a FreeBSD System. "option --with-ldap for configure". 2) The user also exists in the base of the OpenLdap 3) Already I also added the line of configuration in "pg_hba.conf" and in the "pg_service.conf" $ tail /etc/pg_service.conf ldap://ldap.cb.sc.gov.br/dc=cb,dc=sc,dc=gov,dc=br $ cat /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf local all all trust host all all md5 ldap://ldap.cb.sc.gov.br/dc=cb,dc=sc,dc=gov,dc=br 4) To create the usuary I make thus # su - pgsql % createuser scott After the made configurations, I try to effect login and is error of password. remote# psql postgresql -h server -U scott -W psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "scott" It will be that somebody could help me, "I am making something incorrect !!!" http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/interactive/libpq-ldap.html Thanks Cris.