You can then use the PL/SQL on an EnterpriseDB database, if this doesn't work for ya... PL/SQL is quite a bit closer to PLpgSQL than TSQL is so you'll be well on your way.
On 2/9/07, johnf <jfabiani@xxxxxxxx
> wrote:
On Friday 09 February 2007 04:43, A. Kretschmer wrote:
> am Thu, dem 08.02.2007, um 21:28:08 -0800 mailte johnf folgendes:
> > Hi,
> > I'm hoping someone has already taken the time to write a routine (in some
> > language - python,perl, etc..) to convert MS SQL T-SQL stored procedures
> > into Postgres PL/pgSQL. And of course they are willing to share.
> See there:
> I hope, you can find what you need.
> Andreas
Thanks the link is helpful. It's just I was hoping to find a script that
could care of most of the convert and just needed a little hand coding.
John Fabiani
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