I need to purchase a new server to put posgresql on that will be acting as the
DBMS server for Apache ofBiz soon. While googling around for performance tweaks
I saw this at http://revsys.com/writings/postgresql-performance.html
CPUs — The more CPUs the better, however if your database does not use many
complex functions your money is best spent on a better disk subsystem. Also,
avoid Intel Xeon processors with PostgreSQL as there is a problem with the
context switching in these processors that gives sub-par performance. Opterons
are generally accepted as being a superior CPU for PostgreSQL databases.
Is this still true in regards to Xeon's? I was looking at a server with Quad
Core Xeon 2 5335 @ 2.0GHz.
And at http://www.powerpostgresql.com/PerfList
focus on RAID 1 or 1+0 or 0+1 for any set of 2, 4 or 6 disks.
Are RAID 1 or 1+0 or 0+1 equal in speed, performance, downtime in regards to
postgresql. Is it a coin toss?