When does this error crop up? What is the query? Does this select
involve more than one table, or does it involve any homemade
functions? Or overriden functions?
On Feb 6, 2007, at 9:58 AM, Ümit Öztosun wrote:
Have you installed any updates for PostgreSQL? The latest security
fixed something with type checks or so.
I've seen the same error message also on the BUGS mailing list
concerning a
broken CHECK constraint on a table row.
Perhaps this is the cause of the error messages.
Well, I've just dumped old data, installed v8.2.2 from sources,
restored data. Unfortunately the error remains the same and we have
no ideas left. Error is again:
"Table has type character varying, but query expects character
The error is about a varchar column, with no other special
attributed. It was working flawlessly for a long time.
Any help is appreciated.
Ümit Öztosun