Hello List- I'm having some problems in my program that I've been spending the day going over and over and am now going to ask for some help, as I cannot see the problem, but am hoping some seasoned sets of eyes will! I have some VIEWS that need to get updated when the user chooses to delete data from them from within my program. Most views are working, but it seems that one is not. Here's one that IS working: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "elementdata"."personnel_info" AS SELECT pi.projectname, pi.people_id, pi.elementid, p.last_name, p.first_name, p.job_title, p.business_email, p.business_phone, p.cell_phone, p.pager_no FROM elementdata.data_personnel_info pi INNER JOIN projectdata.people p USING (projectname, people_id); CREATE RULE delete_personnel_info AS ON DELETE TO elementdata.personnel_info DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM elementdata.data_personnel_info WHERE data_personnel_info.elementid = old.elementid AND data_personnel_info.people_id::text = old.people_id::text; CREATE RULE update_personnel_info AS ON UPDATE TO elementdata.personnel_info DO INSTEAD ( --update data_personnel_info UPDATE elementdata.data_personnel_info SET projectname = new.projectname, people_id = new.people_id WHERE ((data_personnel_info.elementid = old.elementid) AND ((data_personnel_info.people_id)::text = (old.people_id)::text)); --update shown projectdata.people fields UPDATE projectdata.people SET last_name = new.last_name, first_name = new.first_name, job_title = new.job_title, business_email = new.business_email, business_phone = new.business_phone, cell_phone = new.cell_phone, pager_no = new.pager_no WHERE (((people.projectname)::text = (old.projectname)::text) AND ((people.people_id)::text = (old.people_id)::text)); ); And now, for my 'measurement view', which is NOT working; when the user chooses delete from the program, it's not deleting it from the database. And if I run the statement in pgAdmin: delete from elementdata.measurement where elementid = 18700; (a row in the measurement table of my database) - it's telling me that it did something: "Query returned successfully: 1 rows affected, 703 ms execution time.", but if I query the table based on that elementid (select * from elementdata.measurement where elementid = 18700;), it's still in the table... Here are my CREATE, DELETE, and UPDATE statements for the 'measurement' view: Create view "elementdata"."measurement" As SELECT e.elementid, da.projectname, da.square_unit AS square_unit_sq, a.area * su.units_per_sqfoot AS area_sq, e.slope AS slope_inches, sa.slopearea * cu.units_per_cufoot AS slopearea_sq, da.linear_unit AS linear_unit_lin, (p.perimeter * lu.units_per_foot::double precision) AS perimeter_lin, da.cubic_unit AS cubic_unit_cu, e.height * lu.units_per_foot AS height_lin, e.height::double precision * a.area * cu.units_per_cufoot AS volume_cu, da.drawingid FROM ((((((((((SELECT perimeter.elementid, perimeter.perimeter FROM elementdata.perimeter UNION SELECT length.elementid, length.length AS perimeter FROM elementdata.length) UNION SELECT circumference.elementid, circumference.circumference AS perimeter FROM elementdata.circumference) p LEFT JOIN elementdata.area a USING (elementid)) LEFT JOIN element e USING (elementid)) LEFT JOIN elementdata.slopearea sa USING (elementid)) JOIN layer la USING (layerid)) JOIN drawing da USING (drawingid)) JOIN globaldata.linear_units lu USING (linear_unit)) JOIN globaldata.square_units su USING (square_unit)) JOIN globaldata.cubic_units cu USING (cubic_unit));> CREATE OR REPLACE RULE delete_measurement AS ON DELETE TO elementdata.measurement DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM elementdata.data_measurement WHERE ((data_measurement.elementid = old.elementid) AND (element.elementid = old.elementid)); CREATE RULE update_measurement AS ON UPDATE TO elementdata.measurement DO INSTEAD (UPDATE element SET height = (new.height_lin / (SELECT linear_units.units_per_foot FROM globaldata.linear_units WHERE ((linear_units.linear_unit)::text = (old.linear_unit_lin)::text))), slope = new.slope_inches WHERE (element.elementid = old.elementid); UPDATE drawing SET linear_unit = new.linear_unit_lin, square_unit = new.square_unit_sq, cubic_unit = new.cubic_unit_cu WHERE (drawing.drawingid = old.drawingid); ); Any thoughts/ideas would be greatly appreciated - I'm stuck as to why it's working on all the views in the schema, but one... If you need anymore info from me, just let me know. Thanks in advance for your input and ideas!! -Jeanna