2007/2/2, George Weaver <gweaver@xxxxxxx>:
And the .bat file script?
The .bat script is of no importance: it's a windows-related problem (or, to be more precise, the problem of my ignorance when it comes to windows scripting). The most trivial .bat scripts containing only a simple echo statement or nothing at all aren't executed by the scheduler. The _idea_ was to invoke the pg_dump statement from a script using the syntax I already described: it shouldn't be the problem. For completeness, this is the beanshell script: db_name = "my_db"; out_dir = "/tmp/"; //////////////////// DALJE SE NE MIJENJA NISTA //////////////////// archive_name = db_name; archive_name = archive_name + "_" + Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); archive_name = archive_name + "-" + Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH); archive_name = archive_name + "-" + Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DATE); archive_name = archive_name + "_" + Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.HOUR); archive_name = archive_name + "-" + Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MINUTE); archive_name = archive_name + "-" + Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.SECOND); archive_name = archive_name + ".backup"; print(archive_name); command = "pg_dump -h localhost -U my_user_name my_db -f \"" + out_dir + archive_name + "\""; print(command); exec(command); t.n.a.