> Please keep us posted on your archiveopteryx experience! I just install aox on a soekris ! with openbsd 4.0 with a remote postgresl db and setup sendmail to forward by lmtp. Really nice. No problem to compile (just a postgresql.h in a obsd specific location). The installer (wich cretae the database) was not working, but I do everything by hand to setup. I do not have test numbers rigth now, because I need first to configure the box for virtual hosting, then dspam. The table structure is really nice. Normalize all the field. Each multipart mime attachements are handle separatly. It is really esay to use rules to map config and data to an other soft. My dream will be to setup a webdav script to access all the attachement in a dynamic FS. Then I mount the webdav to my mac or my pc. In dbmail it was very complicated to get each attachement independently because the message is stored by block of 500Kb and not already parsed by attachement. Cordialement, Jean-Gérard Pailloncy