> In an 8.1.6 UTF-8 database this example returns false; in 8.2.1 it > returns true. See the following commit message and the related bug > report regarding PL/Perl and UTF-8: > > http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-committers/2006-10/msg00277.php > http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-bugs/2006-10/msg00077.php > > If you can't upgrade to 8.2 then you might be able to work around > the problem by creating the function as plperlu and adding 'use utf8;'. > -- > Michael Fuhr Hello Michael! As fas as i know 'use utf8;' normally just tells Perl that the source code is written in UTF-8 and noting more. For converting from and to UTF-8 in data usually the Encode modul is used. Or is this different for plperlu? Greetings, Matthias