It appears to me that there is some inconsistency in the date calculations for my PostgreSQL install (version 8.0 on Win32). January 07 of 2007 is a Sunday. Based on the documentation I would expect that date to be the first day of the second week of the year 2007. That's not what I'm getting. When I run: select date_part('DOW'::text, '2007-01-07'::timestamp); I receive my expected result of 0 indicating that Sunday is the first day of the week. But, when I run select date_part('week'::text, '2007-01-07'::timestamp); I get a result of 1 indicating that it is part of the first week of the year. That seems inconsistent with the first result which would indicate it was the first day of the second week of the year. I was expecting a result of 2. Am I missing something? Many thanks! rjsjr