OK, so if there are several of these same types of errors (which I verified by running the RESTORE from the command line vs. pgAdmin - some with "\" and some with the OID; how come it exits out on that one particulat one?? Any thoughts or ideas on that one?: COPY profession_type (projectname, profession_type) WITH OIDS FROM stdin; pg_restore: restoring data for table "public_authorities" pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 2545; 0 6536592 TABLE DATA publ ic_authorities postgres pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 Command was: \. COPY subflooring (projectname, subfloor_id, covered_flooring, cover_floor_adhesi on, ... pg_restore: restoring data for table "training_class" pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 2550; 0 6536617 TABLE DATA trai ning_class postgres pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: syntax error at or near "67783" at character 1 Command was: 67783 WestSalem CONC001 Concrete \N \N \N \N \N \N 67784 WestSalem \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \. COPY training_class (projectna... pg_restore: restoring data for table "training_types" pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 2551; 0 6536622 TABLE DATA trai ning_types postgres pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 Command was: \. COPY arcelement (elementid, "start", "end", radius_x, radius_y, large_arc, sweep , rotation) WITH OIDS FROM stdin; pg_restore: restoring data for table "attribute" pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 2488; 0 6536241 TABLE DATA attr ibute postgres pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: syntax error at or near "3410163" at character 1 Command was: 3410163 1810987 (2491.8225222024057,8759.2336777975943) (2440.9108777975944,8759.2336777975943) 35.999969 35.999969 f f 0 34... -----Original Message----- From: pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Jeanna Geier Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:43 PM To: pgsql-general Subject: Re: [GENERAL] RESTORE Error And log file shows the following (what I posted before was through pgAdmin): 2007-01-11 15:38:17 LOG: could not load root certificate file "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.0/data/root.crt": No such file or directory 2007-01-11 15:38:17 DETAIL: Will not verify client certificates. 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: relation "temp_measurement" does not exist 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "7094982" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "67459" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "67464" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "67465" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "252460" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "67478" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "379654" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "379580" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "255624" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "67484" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "3378657" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "115706" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "3370733" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "67494" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "379576" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "67530" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "718343" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "3362828" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "67783" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "67785" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "3410163" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "67788" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "67808" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:47 ERROR: syntax error at or near "67814" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:48 ERROR: syntax error at or near "67830" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:48 ERROR: syntax error at or near "113205" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:48 ERROR: syntax error at or near "113574" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:48 ERROR: syntax error at or near "113579" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:48 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:48 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:48 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:48 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:48 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:48 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:48 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:48 ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1 2007-01-11 15:38:48 ERROR: syntax error at or near "255454" at character 1 -----Original Message----- From: pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Jeanna Geier Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:20 PM To: pgsql-general Subject: Re: [GENERAL] RESTORE Error Just a bit more info: Running Postgres 8.0 and the: 255454 3 WestSalem 2006-05-12 14:10:18.578-05 greg clean it 2006-05-12 17:00:00-05 W6037 Ruth Lane Onalaska Wisconsin 54650 ... is a row (the first row) that should be inserted/restored into the 'workorder.workorder' table. Hope that helps! -Jeanna -----Original Message----- From: pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pgsql-general-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Jeanna Geier Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:10 PM To: pgsql-general Subject: [GENERAL] RESTORE Error Hi List! I'm attempting to do a restore of a database and I'm getting the following error the I'm not familiar with: COPY workorder (work_order_id, projectname, request_date, requestor, request_detail, request_completion_date, request_a... pg_restore: restoring data for table "worksite" pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 2584; 0 6536819 TABLE DATA worksite postgres pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: syntax error at or near "255454" at character 1 Command was: 255454 3 WestSalem 2006-05-12 14:10:18.578-05 greg clean it 2006-05-12 17:00:00-05 W6037 Ruth Lane Onalaska Wisconsin 54650 ... pg_restore: restoring data for table "BLOBS" pg_restore: restored 0 large objects WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 73 Process returned exit code 1. The '255454' here is in the OID column of the table... And here's the CREATE stmt for the workorder table: CREATE TABLE workorder.workorder ( work_order_id serial NOT NULL, projectname varchar NOT NULL, request_date timestamptz, requestor varchar NOT NULL, request_detail varchar NOT NULL, request_completion_date timestamptz, request_address varchar, request_city varchar, request_state varchar, request_zip varchar, request_location_description varchar, request_floor varchar, request_department varchar, request_priority varchar, request_health_security_concern varchar, request_vandalism varchar, request_recurring_interval varchar, request_roomid varchar, request_tagid varchar, request_presence_required bool, request_available_date timestamptz, site_name varchar NOT NULL, authorizer varchar, date_authorized timestamptz, elementid int8, element_description varchar, priority varchar, work_detail varchar, est_start_time timestamptz, actual_start_time timestamptz, est_completion_time timestamptz, actual_completion_time timestamptz, actual_labor_cost numeric, actual_material_cost numeric, comments varchar, recurrence_interval int8, account_name varchar, CONSTRAINT pk_workorder PRIMARY KEY (work_order_id), CONSTRAINT "Relationship238" FOREIGN KEY (projectname) REFERENCES project (projectname) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT "Relationship245" FOREIGN KEY (requestor) REFERENCES projectuser (userid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT "Relationship246" FOREIGN KEY (authorizer) REFERENCES projectuser (userid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT "Relationship254" FOREIGN KEY (projectname, account_name) REFERENCES projectdata.account (projectname, account_name) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT "Relationship265" FOREIGN KEY (projectname, site_name) REFERENCES workorder.worksite (projectname, site_name) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT ) Any thoughts or ideas on the error? Thanks in advance for your help! -Jeanna ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly