Hi everybody, I have two computers with a Postgres Database each. I want one of them to be the replica of the other one; let's say I want a Master to Master replication in order to use either one (but only one at a time) as the main database: in case of failure, switch. The ideal synchronization way would be Synchronous. However, these two computers are going to be next to each other, so the asynchronous synchronization would be fast enough (I don't really know. Can you tell so?) for the case synchronous sync is not available. What I have found so far is Daffodil and Slony-I. Daffodil's name doesn't even appear in Postgresql.org, which is not the case for Slony-I. So there's a big point in favor to Slony-I. Has anybody researched on this that can point me in the right direction? Thanks a lot, Daniel Crespo