Gunnar Wagenknecht wrote:>> Do I need to look for a different 'perl-DBD-Pg' that doesn't depend on
> '' or should '' be provided by
> 'postgresql-libs-8.2.0-2PGDG.i686.rpm'?
Just make a symbolic link from the shipped to and
it should work.
Yum kind of stinks because you can't do a --nodeps or force.
You might want to download the perl dbd rpm and install manually without
Tony Caduto
While this may work, it pretty much defeats the purpose of using rpm and yum to manage your packages. Devrim's suggestion is really the best way to go (as are most of his suggestions). I have used the compat rpm before, and it works like a charm.
Usually nodeps and force are there for a reason, defeating them is usually not what you want.