Creating shell scripts and cron jobs are pretty easy tasks in *nix. I wanted to attach a sample BAT file script for anyone that is enterested in get something similar to work under windows. Comments are welcome. Copy this text below into you own <newly created> bat file and then create a new "scheduled job" by: open "Control Panel" open "Scheduled Tasks" open "Add Scheduled Tasks" Browse to where you saved you bat file. Configure a the schedule and how many time a day you would like your db dumped. I didn't attach my bat file to this email since I expect most email filters would balk at a bat file. Let me know what you think. Regards, Richard Broersma Jr. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REM Backup BAT file script begins here REM Set these variables to what is appropriate for your system SET PGPATH="C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2rc1\bin\" SET SVPATH="O:\02U20410 Rule 1105\Engr\Controls\Instrument Index\db_backup\" SET ALTPTH="C:\Documents and Settings\BroersR\My Documents\db_backupalt\" SET PRJDB=proj02u20411 SET DBUSR=postgres REM This is an ugly solution to get a timestamp for the newly created REM dump file. FOR /F "TOKENS=2,3,4 DELIMS=/ " %%i IN ('DATE /T') DO SET d=%%k-%%i-%%j FOR /F "TOKENS=1,2,3 DELIMS=: " %%i IN ('TIME /T') DO SET t=%%i%%j%%k SET DBDUMP=%PRJDB%-%d%-%t%.dump %PGPATH%pg_dump.exe -C -U %DBUSR% %PRJDB% > %SVPATH%%DBDUMP% copy %SVPATH%%DBDUMP% %ALTPTH% REM Backup BAT file script ends here -------------------------------------------------------------------------