>>> Why do you want to lock at all? > >> It's long and sad story ;( > >If you don't explain what you're trying to accomplish, you're unlikely >to get useful advice. Tom, I need table level locks for cooperative usage in my application. LOCK TABLE table_name in EXCLUSIVE MODE and LOCK TABLE table_name in SHARED MODE perfectly suit my needs. The only drawback - interference with VACUUM and other system processes with obvious performance/response time penalty. So I need very simple thing: locks behave exactly like EXCLUSIVE and SHARED I can use to control my own application processes. Honestly I've already introduced such locks with syntax LOCK TABLE table_name in APPLICATION EXCLUSIVE MODE and LOCK TABLE table_name in APPLICATION SHARED MODE Does publishing of this patch make any sense? I can explain what is the reason of table locks usage (briefly I need this thing to provide transaction isolation). Story is long and sad indeed, though I can retell it if it seems to be useful. Thanks a lot for your response. -- Best regards Ilja Golshtein