Thanks to you all for your replies. I was able to solve my problem after
some more reading in the manual:
select,, pc.person_id
from person as p
cross join course as c
left outer join person_course as pc
on ( = pc.person_id and = pc.course_id)
where = 2;
A few remarks to the answers:
I seem to have been misunderstood in a way that people understood that I
implied that mysql is right and postgres is wrong. This was in no way my
opinion. I just reported what results I got under mysql. I very much
prefer Postgres over mysql and never questioned postgres' correctness.
To brian:
Please, read more about referential integrity.
Thanks, but I already have read a lot about it 14 years ago.
In all your long years of experience, perhaps you haven't come across this?
If you're going to ask a question here the least you could do is meet us half-way.
I think I asked quite politely, did not blame anybody else and just
described my problem. I agree, I felt a bit insulted when being told to
read about referential integrity, because that clearly had nothing to do
with my question and I do know about it. I'm coming from Oracle and not
from mysql.
And thanks Andreas, I just saw your latest post which has the same
solution as I got in it.