Magnus Hagander wrote:
On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 12:56:25AM +0100, Thomas H. wrote:
Take a look at let us know what you think and how it performs for you.
i would love an advanced search where you can limit the results to a
particular version of the documentation. the query for "SELECT" returns too
many results from too many versions, obviously.
You get this if you go into say the 8.2 docs, and use the search form
there - same as before.
I would search from the home page rather than navigate to docs first.
(open browser - type (enter) - tab to search field - type
whattofind (enter)
That said, it's not a bad idea to add it anyway, but so far the main
concern has been feature-identical to what we had before.
It would seem to be one of those 'accept it as it is' when you get here,
and now that you ask us to look we say 'but why?' ;-)
Shane Ambler
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