ben would something like this work in your situation? SELECT,, deliveries.calendar_day, deliveries.delivered FROM ben_customers as customer, ben_deliveries as deliveries WHERE = deliveries.customers_id and deliveries.calendar_day in (Select day from ben_calendar where day < 20061201 and day >= 20060101) I think that would cut down the deliveries table fairly quickly, thus making the customer_id join nice and quick. You would also only be returning data from the tables in your from clause. I suppose it depends on what you are trying to display. If you want a list of all the possible days, and deliveries on those days then I'd approach it a bit differently. On Dec 15, 7:59 pm, b...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Benjamin Smith) wrote: > > What can I do to improve the performance of this oft-used query? Is there a > better way to do this, or am I doomed to looping thru results and parsing the > results in code? >