I think I need to specify what I mean with embedded.
Its not that we try to embed it into an application.
It is just run from a flash disk and the datafiles are put on
standard raid attached disks.
Its an embedded device not an embedded application. :)
15 dec 2006 kl. 16:30 skrev Tom Lane:
Henrik Zagerholm <henke@xxxxxx> writes:
Postgres has been designed as a server, and lots of
implementation details might not make sense in an embedded
context. you might be better served by SQLite, or some other
such library.
... It is also quite crash resistant with the WAL implementation.
One of the reasons it's crash resistant is exactly that it's *not*
embedded, and thus not subject to corruption by application-side bugs.
That concern is what has caused the developers to have zero interest
in creating an embeddable variant.
regards, tom lane
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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend