On Wed, 2006-12-13 at 10:37 -0600, Tony Caduto wrote: > Hi, > I have a user who is getting this error on a 8.1.3 server when importing > some data from a dbf file: > > PostgreSQL Error Code: (1) > ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "08-01-2006" > > He says the db is SQL-ASCII and the datestyle is at the default. Without more information it is a bit tough to say but: http://people.planetpostgresql.org/joshua/index.php?/archives/12-Ahhh!-PostgreSQL-Gotchas.html > > Of course on all my test servers the insert works perfectly without the > range error. > > Anyone have any Ideas? I don't know if the pg server is win32 or Unix. > > Thanks, > -- === The PostgreSQL Company: Command Prompt, Inc. === Sales/Support: +1.503.667.4564 || 24x7/Emergency: +1.800.492.2240 Providing the most comprehensive PostgreSQL solutions since 1997 http://www.commandprompt.com/ Donate to the PostgreSQL Project: http://www.postgresql.org/about/donate