2006/9/28, Najib Abi Fadel <nabifadel@xxxxxxxxx>:
when u connect to the database type: \h GRANT and you will get all the Grant options: GRANT { { CREATE | TEMPORARY | TEMP } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON DATABASE dbname [, ...] TO { username | GROUP groupname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] This will grant the privileges on all tables under the database .... HTH Gene <genekhart@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: It seems like it should be a very easy problem to solve I just need one role to have select privileges on all the tables of a particular schema or database including any new tables that are created since they are created programmatically daily. I've combed google and the docs to no avail. Do I need to write pg/plsql scripts just to so something like that?? I believe on other dbms you can just say grant all on schema.* or something to that effect. The script i found below would be ok if tables weren't being created constantly. using version 8.1.4 thanks, Gene ---- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgx_grant(text, text, text) RETURNS int4 AS $BODY$ DECLARE priv ALIAS FOR $1; patt ALIAS FOR $2; user ALIAS FOR $3; obj record; num integer; BEGIN num:=0; FOR obj IN SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE patt || '%' AND relkind in ('r','v','S') LOOP EXECUTE 'GRANT ' || priv || ' ON ' || obj.relname || ' TO ' || user; num := num + 1; END LOOP; RETURN num; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; ALTER FUNCTION pgx_grant(text, text, text) OWNER TO root;
I don't get it. I grant all privileges on a database to a role, but the server won't let it access the schemas. I grant all privileges on the schema to the same role, but the server won't let it access the relations in the schema. GRANT ALL ON DATABASE testdb TO myuser GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA testschema TO myuser; Any idea what I'm doing wrong? TIA, t.n.a.