>> >> That sounds very promising. I'll take a look there. > >I may be wrong about the table name but certainly drop role uses some >set of system tables to do it's work. :) THANKS for your help, Stephen. Once I've reassigned ownership I can then easily find out privilege dependencies using pg_shdepend. Here's the preliminary query I've worked up for coming up with the listing, in case it's of use to others... ------------------------------------------------------ select rol.rolname as thisrole, db.datname as dbname, sch.nspname as dependencyschema, c.relname as dependency from pg_shdepend as d inner join pg_database as db on d.dbid = db.oid inner join pg_authid as rol on d.refobjid = rol.oid left join (pg_class as c inner join pg_namespace as sch on c.relnamespace = sch.oid) on d.objid = c.oid where rol.rolname = '<WhateverRoleNameYouLike>' and d.deptype in ('o', 'a') order by rol.rolname, db.datname, sch.nspname, c.relname ------------------------------------------------------ I've included a left join in there for the case where there are items outside the current database or that are not otherwise in pg_class... not sure if I need that, but it's in there for now... will probably remove to optimize (and handle the case elsewise) -Tom D