Hi Ragnar
could not duplicate this.
I also cannot reproduce the hanging VACUUM FULL.
The problem remains thet the dead tuples cannot be vemoved.
dummy1=# vacuum full;
dummy1=# SELECT relpages, reltuples FROM pg_class WHERE relname ='dummy1';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----
relpages | 997
reltuples | 100000
dummy1=# analyze verbose;
INFO: analyzing "public.dummy1"
INFO: "dummy1": scanned 997 of 997 pages, containing 5000 live rows and 95000 dead rows; 3000 rows in sample, 5000 estimated total rows
dummy1=# select * from pg_stat_activity;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-+------------------------------
datid | 21529
datname | dummy1
procpid | 2065
usesysid | 10
usename | postgres
current_query | <command string not enabled>
query_start |
backend_start | 2006-12-07 21:03:54.877779+01
client_addr |
client_port | -1
-[ RECORD 2 ]-+------------------------------
datid | 21530
datname | dummy2
procpid | 2152
usesysid | 10
usename | postgres
current_query | <command string not enabled>
query_start |
backend_start | 2006-12-07 21:07:59.973477+01
client_addr |
client_port | -1
the transaction in db dummy2 performed an update and select count(*) and is still running.
dummy1=# select * from pg_locks;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-+-----------------
locktype | relation
database | 21530
relation | 21540
page |
tuple |
transactionid |
classid |
objid |
objsubid |
transaction | 85385
pid | 2152
mode | AccessShareLock
granted | t
-[ RECORD 2 ]-+-----------------
locktype | relation
database | 21530
relation | 21540
page |
tuple |
transactionid |
classid |
objid |
objsubid |
transaction | 85385
pid | 2152
mode | RowExclusiveLock
granted | t
-[ RECORD 3 ]-+-----------------
locktype | relation
database | 21529
relation | 10342
page |
tuple |
transactionid |
classid |
objid |
objsubid |
transaction | 85925
pid | 2065
mode | AccessShareLock
granted | t
-[ RECORD 4 ]-+-----------------
locktype | transactionid
database |
relation |
page |
tuple |
transactionid | 85925
classid |
objid |
objsubid |
transaction | 85925
pid | 2065
mode | ExclusiveLock
granted | t
-[ RECORD 5 ]-+-----------------
locktype | transactionid
database |
relation |
page |
tuple |
transactionid | 85385
classid |
objid |
objsubid |
transaction | 85385
pid | 2152
mode | ExclusiveLock
granted | t